How do you find software testing standards?

Stack Overflow
Anton KnightAnton Knight

Software testing plays an important role in ensuring the reliability and performance of software products. However, the effectiveness of the testing process depends entirely on the standards we adopt.

This blog will explore how companies can identify and implement appropriate testing standards to enhance their software solutions.

What Are Software Testing Standards?

Software testing standards are a set of guidelines, principles, and best practices that define and guide the software testing process. They outline methodologies, procedures, and strategies to ensure software quality, functionality, and performance. Some commonly referenced software testing standards include ISO/IEC 29119, IEEE 829, and ISO/IEC 25010.

Why Are Software Testing Standards Important?

Software testing standards help organizations improve the effectiveness of their testing processes. Key benefits include:

  • Increased quality: Enforces a rigorous and comprehensive testing process.
  • Cost reduction: Early identification and resolution of issues save on rework and bug fixes.
  • Compliance: Helps to meet regulatory demands, which are crucial in sectors like healthcare and finance.
  • Risk mitigation: Helps identify potential risks and vulnerabilities early, allowing organizations to address them before they become significant issues.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Ensure software meets or exceeds customer expectations.
  • Continuous improvement: Keep organizations aligned with the latest developments in technology and best practices.

How to Find Software Testing Standards

Finding the testing standards suitable for your specific needs can be challenging. Here are some different approaches you can use to discover the standards you need:

1. Industry-Specific Standards Organizations

  • Join professional bodies: Organizations like the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) and the American Society for Quality (ASQ) are great starting points. Their memberships provide access to a wealth of resources, including industry-specific standards.
  • Access resources: Membership typically provides exclusive access to white papers, research articles, and extensive online libraries that are instrumental in understanding and applying the latest standards in software testing.

2. Conferences and Events

3. Online Resources

  • Explore official websites: Organizations like ISTQB, ISO, and IEEE offer comprehensive information and downloadable documents related to software testing standards.
  • Purchase standards: Organizations like ISO store and IEEE Xplore provide access to a range of official documents and publications related to testing standards. But you may have to purchase these documents.

4. Professional Networks

  • LinkedIn and other online forums: Platforms like LinkedIn have numerous groups dedicated to software testing professionals. Joining such a group can connect you with peers and experts.
  • Network at events: Conferences and meetups provide opportunities to build relationships with other professionals who can share their experiences and knowledge about different standards.

5. Community Forums and Discussion Boards

  • Participate in QA forums: Engage with platforms like Stack Exchange or Reddit’s r/softwaretesting. These forums are great for posting questions, exchanging knowledge, and staying updated on the latest discussions around software testing standards.
  • Join specialized discussion boards: Forums like the Ministry of Testing offer dedicated spaces for testers to discuss standards and best practices.

6. Training and Certification Courses

  • Enroll in certification programs: Certifications such as ISTQB and Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) by ASQ cover various standards and methodologies in software testing.
  • Take online courses: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning offer modules on software testing standards. These courses often come with certificates of completion that can enhance your professional credibility.

Choosing the Right Software Testing Standards

Selecting the appropriate software testing standards depends on various factors:

  • Domain understanding: Understanding the industry or domain in which the software is developed helps identify best practices and standards specific to that industry.
  • Regulatory requirements: Review and adhere to any regulations or standards mandated by law or industry guidelines. For example, industries like healthcare, finance, or telecommunications often have specific testing standards to protect sensitive data.
  • Risk level: Assess the potential risks associated with the software. Higher-risk applications, such as those dealing with sensitive data, require more stringent testing standards.
  • Software type: Consider the type of software (web application, mobile app, or enterprise software). Each category has unique standards and testing requirements that address their particular vulnerabilities and usage patterns.
  • Expert consultation: Engage with industry experts and stakeholders to gather insights and recommendations on the most suitable standards for your projects.


Software testing standards are essential for ensuring the quality and success of software projects. By following these standards, organizations can ensure their testing is consistent, work more efficiently, and create high-quality software that meets customer expectations.